Damn Vape Doom RTA – tank grid becoming mainstream?
I propose today to spend a day without new products from Woop, and turn my head towards promising newcomers – Damn Vape. Although they probably are not already such, they get out, gain experience and strengthen their positions. This time they began to storm the segment of serviced tanks, and here it was not without originality. Ignoring the “old-fashioned” construct on familiar spirals, the developers decided to swipe right away at the grid.
Damn Vape Doom RTA
Although the release has already taken place, I only have renderings, so I have to be content with only them.
Case material: stainless steel
Atomizer type: RTA
Capacity: 4ml
Diameter: 25mm landing, 26mm maximum
Height:40.2mm with drip type
Connector: 510, pin gilded
Weight: unknown
Color: see photo below

Package Contents
– Doom RTA
– mesh 2pcs
– cotton 2 pcs
– screwdriver
– mesh
– spare origins – spare screws
– spare glass
– user manual
Rich packaging , it’s understandable – after all, you’ll still have to search for the grid to start the atom. Although, in view of the latest trends of “vape fashion”, it is becoming a very common phenomenon.
The appearance of the guest is normal, he can not be praised for his special cuteness or attractiveness, but in general it is a completely neatly tailored and well-looking specimen. Although rendering is quite insidious – in fact, everything can turn out differently, both in one direction and in the other direction. In height, the tank is very modest, but the diameter is not small.
From the start, only four color options are offered – not a lot. Although it was not worth waiting for more from the manufacturer – they are always limited only to standard colors.

The drip type 810 is probably made of delrin and looks pretty simple – maybe it’s for the best. He sits in a screw cap with aggressive risks. For some reason, the gas holes were not shown to us. The capacity at the same time turned out to be average, and the spare glass cannot increase it.
The deck is a fairly simple and straightforward construct.
Here we observe a pair of pressure plates that have become traditional for the mesh, probably not spring-loaded. The holes for laying cotton are decent, there are limiters, plus there are also slots for recharge directly under the future cotton. Therefore, if you do not overlap the ends of the wool supplying slurry holes, the liquid supply for the installed cotton will be “plentiful”.

Blowing here as if lateral. However, its geometry became an interesting point. It is not executed directly, as in the tank of the profile Profile Unity, but as if casually licking the side surface of the grid. I hope I clearly explained that the air inlets are much lower than the mesh level. Therefore, I am tormented by vague doubts about the alleged taste. However, as you know, everything must be tried. In defense, it is worth adding that the evaporation chamber is rather small.
Tightening adjustment is implemented using a risk swivel ring, which is located at a small distance from the bottom of the deck. There are three holes in total on each side.